What are you looking for when you hike a trail? We are always looking for great views and Big Bend National Park has many options for great trails. If you explore these 5 trails, you will enjoy some beautiful park views.
Distance: 1.4 miles
Level: Easy
Elevation Change: Moderate
Parking: Parking area at end of Boquillas Canyon spur road
MORE INFO: https://considerthewonders.com/boquillas-canyon-trail/
Distance: 2.2 miles
Level: Easy to Moderate
Elevation Change: Moderate
Parking: 6 miles down Grapevine Hills dirt road (it’s a bumpy ride)
MORE INFO: https://considerthewonders.com/grapevine-hills-trail/
Distance: 4.8 miles
Level: Easy
Elevation Change: Minimal
Parking: Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive Pull-off
Distance: 1.7 miles
Level: Moderate
Elevation Change: Moderate
Parking: Parking lot at end of Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive
MORE INFO: https://considerthewonders.com/santa-elena-canyon-trail/
Distance: 4.4 miles
Level: Moderate
Elevation Change: Moderate
Parking: Basin Campground amphitheater lot
MORE INFO: https://considerthewonders.com/window-trail/
You can find more of the amazing trails we have hiked at https://considerthewonders.com/category/trails/
Consider the Wonders is a travel blog intended for entertainment purposes only. We are not RV, travel, or hiking experts and are not making recommendations. These are our opinions and you should do your own research and make your own decisions.
Consider the Wonders is not affiliated with Big Bend National Park.
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